This card may just look like a lot of printed zeroes and ones, but true dorks (and computers) will know that there’s much more to it than meets the eye.
One of a range of technology cards by Folksy seller Jane Cameron, the clever card carrries the message ‘Happy birthday’, written in binary code. Ideal for the computer nerd in your life, it can also be given to those who aren’t real technobods, as there’s a helpful translation on the back.
Cards for geeks
Don’t know anyone with a birthday coming up? Jane also offers ‘Congratulations’ cards, ‘Happy wedding anniversary’ cards and ‘Good luck’ cards. If binary’s not your thing, there’s also a range of fully scannable QR code cards in Jane’s Geeky Cards section. They really make Paperchase start to look quite primitive.
Binary birthday cards are available to purchase from Jane Cameron on Folksy, and cost £2.50 each.
thanks for the inspiration and i don’t care if it’s not binary for Happy Birthday – it’s funny!