The terms ‘stylish’ and ‘natural’ are not terms most people associate with an exercise machine. Functional, yes. Safe, God I hope so. But the reality is that you’re buying it so that you can look good, not so that it looks good in your spare room.
WaterRower are hoping to change this with their new Natural range of rowing machines.
The WaterRower is hand crafted from solid cherrywood, and is powered by water. See that tank at the left end of the WaterRower? It’s filled with water and a pair of mini oars, so you’ll be *literally* rowing through water.
Once you’ve finished rowing, you can prop it up vertically, which takes up about the same amount of room as a dining room chair.
Prices for the WaterRower range start at around £749 from John Lewis. Start saving now, and you could have one in your home for all those fitness new year’s resolutions.
I think the noise of running water would have you running to the toilet all the time.