We could be on track to being able to navigate TV telekinetically in a technological development that may well prove to be the biggest facilitator of sloth since the introduction of remote controls. How does it work? The MindRDR TV is a thought interface that works with the existing … [Read more...]
Good Omens radio show – with photos!!
Good Omens is coming to radio and I am struggling so much not to type this in all out caps (as I have been on Facebook and Twitter). “But Kate, this isn’t the first you’ve heard about it – they announced it a while ago,” I hear you say. And yes, they did. But they didn’t immediately release these … [Read more...]
Sarah & Duck Patterns – Free Knitting and Crochet round up
Sarah and Duck is one of my personal favourite Cbeebies creations so it was about time I did a round up of the best patterns. It's a show that feels like it was made by hipsters for their groovy little hipster children. It's charming, sweet and funny: Sarah and Duck really are the coolest things to … [Read more...]
TARDISnail Vs 2Dis – Doctor Who: Flatline Review
This week on Doctor Who: we're on a council estate, running away from mysterious monsters with the help of plucky locals and silly humour! To be honest, I half expected Rose and Mickey to dash out from behind a bin and say hi. That didn't happen, though. Instead, the Doctor got locked inside the … [Read more...]
Doctor Who: Listen. Is it safe to come out from under my cushion yet?
Massive Spoiler Alert - definitely don't read this if you haven't watched and don't want one of the scariest episodes ruined. Now it's won't surprise you to learn that I've been confused - it's easily done. And after all, it IS Doctor Who. I mean, I STILL haven't worked out what Sylvester McCoy … [Read more...]
Robot Hood – Doctor Who’s silliest episode for a long time
The third instalment of Doctor Who romped along thanks to a rather silly storyline involving a lot of merrie men. As with all these series, the “fun” episodes can often go astray (let’s not mention the “Beer Bad” Buffy episode). But in the capable hands of Mark Gatiss, master of comedy, we got … [Read more...]
Melting dragon in a morning suit – Doctor Who Into the Dalek
Somewhere along the line I'd forgotten that we had a new one, so there was a momentary jolt as his affronted owl face popped onto the screen. But the surprise was momentary, because there he is, The Doctor. Calmer, more still, but still most definitely the Doctor. This one has replaced the childish … [Read more...]
Sherlock Vs Murdoch – the metaphorical battle for our souls. S3E3 – Dork Review
After two weeks of fairly low-crime character-focused lightheartedness, here we are at the Sherlock series finale. They basically cliffhangered the first episode out to set up this week’s big villain, Charles Augustus Magnussen (Lars Mikkelsen), and now here’s his big moment to shine. Got to get … [Read more...]
Can anyone survive Sherlock’s record-length best man speech? S3E2 – Dork Review
It’s the first regular Sherlock episode after we got that pesky cliffhanger out of the way, and I know I was expecting some crimesolving business-as-usual. Instead, we had the wedding of John Watson, framed by flashbacks of varying importance as a murder slowly unfolds. But how does it relate to … [Read more...]
Can Sherlock solve the mystery of his own death before the fans do? S3E1 – Dork Review
Two years ago, Sherlock Holmes swan-dived off the edge of a hospital and was found on the pavement below with a head wound. Oh, and dead. Ever since then, the internet has been overflowing with theories about how exactly he might have survived. Basically, the above paragraph describes the events … [Read more...]