After a spectacular last-minute redemption, aided by the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD signed itself up for a second series. Episode one, Shadows, had its UK premier last Friday, and it has certainly hit the ground running. With SHIELD now on the run as … [Read more...]
TARDISnail Vs 2Dis – Doctor Who: Flatline Review
This week on Doctor Who: we're on a council estate, running away from mysterious monsters with the help of plucky locals and silly humour! To be honest, I half expected Rose and Mickey to dash out from behind a bin and say hi. That didn't happen, though. Instead, the Doctor got locked inside the … [Read more...]
Doctor Who: Listen. Is it safe to come out from under my cushion yet?
Massive Spoiler Alert - definitely don't read this if you haven't watched and don't want one of the scariest episodes ruined. Now it's won't surprise you to learn that I've been confused - it's easily done. And after all, it IS Doctor Who. I mean, I STILL haven't worked out what Sylvester McCoy … [Read more...]
Robot Hood – Doctor Who’s silliest episode for a long time
The third instalment of Doctor Who romped along thanks to a rather silly storyline involving a lot of merrie men. As with all these series, the “fun” episodes can often go astray (let’s not mention the “Beer Bad” Buffy episode). But in the capable hands of Mark Gatiss, master of comedy, we got … [Read more...]
“Top layer if you want to say a few words” – Doctor Who gets mean
Somewhere along the line I'd forgotten that we had a new one, so there was a momentary jolt as his affronted owl face popped onto the screen. But the surprise was momentary, because there he is, The Doctor. Calmer, more still, but still most definitely the Doctor. This one has replaced the childish … [Read more...]
The Beginning Of The End Of The Middle – Game of Thrones S4E10 – Dork Review
And so, after another ten weeks of fictional sadism and very real suffering, we reach the end of Game of Thrones season four. Unlike all the other years of this show, this time the final episode of the run is the climactic point, bringing a kitchen of pots to a cloud of boils. And we’ve reached … [Read more...]
Will the tall Wall fall? Game of Thrones S4E9 – Dork Review
In previous seasons, the penultimate Game of Thrones episode of the year has been The One. The big week where something huge happens, leaving the “finale” as an epilogue for characters to react. Here we are in the second-to-last Westeros visit of season four, then, and pre-conditioned to … [Read more...]
How To Get Ahead In Westeros – Game of Thrones S4E8 – Dork Review
After a short interlude for Americans to remember something, back to Game of Thrones. Following the last couple of weeks, not to mention the title of this episode (The Mountain and the Viper), we’re clearly all here for Tyrion’s trial by combat fight between Oberyn Martell and The … [Read more...]
Game of Thrones – A day in the deaths. S4E7 – Dork Review
Game of Thrones is known for a few things: sex, violence, pointless nudity, witty banter, sudden character death, intrigue and advancing plots along in tiny increments, keeping a whisper ahead of audience boredom. And this particular episode, if nothing else, hit all these sweet spots. It didn’t … [Read more...]
The People vs Tyrion Lannister vs The People – Game of Thrones S4E6 – Dork Review
Although the last couple of Game of Thrones episodes kept all the stones rolling downhill, they perhaps lacked huge sequences. Big climactic end pieces which send us away satisfied that we've witnessed some major plot twist or huge action moment. Last week had the showdown at Craster's between … [Read more...]