Quick, mime your current status to me in no more than six seconds. It’s the only way we can truly connect.
I see. Exhausted from working like a dawg again, huh? Then you’re in luck. I am a doctor of Internet and I prescribe the following links immediately, with a meal. I don’t care if you’re not hungry. EAT. YOU NEVER EAT.
Lookin’ mighty Vine
- Twitter’s new thing is short-video iPhone whatsit, Vine. Here’s how it differs from Instagram. Like most things, it is best with kittens, guinea pigs and Tyra.
- People are searching Facebook for some pretty niche stuff.
- In Doctor Who news, Daleks do more than just exterminate and OH MY GOODNESS YES this Tardis dress.
- In short: no, NO [potentially NSFW?], yes, YES.
Did I get him?
Gamer Grandad is my kinda Grandad:
Wrap me up like a baby owl
It’s a strong week, but this adorable owl wins the internet this time.
- And I mean, he was up against Eyebrow Cat. Which I don’t have to tell you, is pretty stiff competition.
- Menswear Dog is super sharp.
- Whereas this tiny turtle is just delighted.
- Corgis must fight to the death. But the small matter of sleepy paralysis does get in the way.
- Sneezing can really take a kitten by surprise, y’know.
- Scottie dog windmill nears perpetual furry motion (but then they run out of Pedigree Chum).
What even is a hedgehog anyway?
Look. It’s a tiny kitten. It has no frame of reference. And hedgehogs are really, uh, weird. Life can get so confusing.