Have the Gilmore Girls put something in your drink? Why are so many of you in love with such a terrible show?
Hello my name is Katie Lee and I hate the Gilmore Girls.There, I said it. I finally came out as a nerd who can’t stand those two women and their stupidhead show. Here’s why.
1. Everything Lorelai says, does or thinks.
Here is a woman who is so in love with how fast she talks that she’s never stopped to listen to anything anyone else says to her. If she splits up with a boyfriend she’s back doing funny “bits” about 5 seconds after shedding a fake tear. I never saw her have a real emotion that wasn’t apparently fixed after a coffee or a slice of pizza.
Which leads me to…
2. Fast food consumption is not amusing.
Do we really live in a world where eating fast food and being pleased with yourself about it is meant to be cute and funny? Remember that time when they acted all confused and disgusted because Rory’s wet boyfriend ordered salad with his pizza? Ha ha! What a stupid boy! Doesn’t he realise that no one adorable ever ate lettuce?!
If Lorelai were an actual mother who had raised her child on this food there would be Mumsnet boards dedicated to pillorying her for starting her daughter onto the path to Type II diabetes.
What’s more, if you had a friend who still had the palate of a five-year-old, you wouldn’t applaud her kooky ways, you’d think she needed to learn to like olives like the rest of us had to.
3. The town full of kooks

Oh do be quiet
Just as you think the show might not be quite so heinous, you get a scene with Kirk and the kooks from Stars Hollow and you once again contemplate self-harm.
If I lived in that town, Gilmore Girls would be more like Midsomer Murders with me doing all the murders.
4. The bad boy who isn’t really all that bad
Rory gets a series of duff boyfriends throughout Gilmore Girls. The only one actually worth knowing is Jess, mainly because he despises everyone in Stars Hollow. But apparently he’s too bad or something. Then he gets a job in a bookshop in New York and continues to be way more interesting than anyone else Rory ever spoke to.
5. The good boyfriend who really isn’t all that good
The most depressing part of Gilmore Girls for me was Logan-Rory story. Entitled teutonic WASP Republican wants “poor girl” who is actually the future heir of entitled WASP Republicans. Gets her. The end.
Their story is not the stuff dreams are made on. You just know that in a couple of years he’ll be ringing to say he’s tied up at the office whilst actually being tied up at a strip club before heading out to the casino to gamble away his entire bonus. At home an obese Rory spends the night nursing their feverish, vomiting children as she weeps for the loss of her once-promising career.

Why yes I AM a teenager in a polo neck and jacket!
6. Will they won’t they – Luke and Lorelei
Whatever Luke did in a previous life, surely he didn’t do anything bad enough to warrant the punishment of Lorelei?
He spends most of the first few seasons grumpily loving this shallow, vapid person from afar, only to fall into a “will-they-won’t-they” romance that seems to make neither of them particularly happy. And then, after all that, in the very final episode they just kind of wander back into each other’s arms and the whole thing finishes on an ambivalent fart of a storyline.
If I were writing this show, Luke would shout “just stop with your goggle-eyed cute “bits”, I’m going off on my boat to find a full-grown woman who doesn’t think eating a bowl of Skittles constitutes one of her five a day.”
But frankly I’m being unfair. No grown woman would want a man who was so emotionally constipated that he couldn’t ask a woman who came into his cafe every day for EIGHT YEARS to go on a date. Or who thinks wearing a baseball cap backwards is a Good Idea.

The show ends with Luke trying to block all of Lorelai’s air ways.
7. The wasted talent of Melissa McCarthy

Why yes! I AM a grown woman in bunches and a bandana!
I watched every episode of the Gilmore Girls and didn’t notice that Sookie was being played by one seriously great comedic actor. I was too busy wishing she’d punch Lorelei in the face for once again ignoring her as she tried to squeak. I mean speak.

You’re going to what now?
8. Nothing actually happens!
NOTHING! I can cope with shows where half the point is that nothing happens (Seinfeld, The Royle Family, Steptoe & Son) but this show is about a group of shallow, soulless loons and narcissists who never actually learn anything or do anything.
Which would be fine if it were actually funny…
9. It’s not funny
I can’t think of a single thing that made me really laugh in this show. Not once through all the hours of wasting my life watching it did I do a real life LOL. Here is a montage of “funny bits” that mainly consists of Rory and Lorelei interrupting people mid-sentence to smart talk as well as a scene where they gabble shit all the way through someone’s funeral. Tossers.
But applause to Emily for pointing out “This is easily the most pointless conversation we’ve ever had,” which pretty much sums up every scene.
(Also, what kind of arsehole interrupts her father who’s telling her about his excitement over his new business venture to make weak jokes and smirk? Lorelei is a bad, bad person.)

Ok this is a funny line, but it would be funnier if this were the plot of Season 3.
10. Rory only had three friends

Paris – the light in a dark, dark place
And one of them was her dreadful mother. And another one was someone who barely concealed her disdain for everyone around her (and who should actually have been the star of the show along with Emily – they could have been like Cagney & Lacey but instead of guns they’d shoot scorn).
So that’s it
I could go on, but I know I’m on a hiding to nothing. The only reason I watched every episode of this show is that so many people I love and respect think it’s good. Reading parts of the script and you can see it’s witty and clever in lots of ways, but reading funny is not the same thing as speaking funny.
I guess I have to conclude it’s just something that’s broken in me. At the time, I kept watching thinking it would eventually improve, or thinking I would eventually see the error of my ways.
Instead I just sat there filled with loathing for these idiots and their stupid hollow.
But no matter, it’s over now. Rory and Logan have their obese, pizza-reared children to love and Luke now stares in impotent rage at the crazy woman prattling on about nothing who occasionally shouts “Coffee, Coffee, Coffee” really fast and mistakes it for wit. Lorelai is finally silent.

Hush now.
UPDATE: They’re doing another bloody season! WTF Netflix, haven’t we suffered enough? Now I have to decide, do I hate-watch this season too? What are you fellow hate-watchers doing? Tell me in the comments. I’m loving hearing from you all – It’s validating the time I wasted watching this series in the first place.
This show had me at:
“A Spanish coffee?”
“Café – olé!”
Ha ha. Thank you. Frankly I’m surprised by the lack of Gilmore Girls hate online. Your gripes about the show are spot on.
I feel exactly the same and only enjoyed watching Jess, especially when he refused to back down to the mouthy god awful mother!
If you hated this much why did you watch, what appears to be, all 7 seasons?
But strange don’t you think?
Yep freakish.
I did the SAME thing. I started off thinking, “I need to understand why all these ladies love this show, I can’t stand being out of the loop!”. No loop, just loopy. I couldn’t stand Rory, especially once season 5 hit. Yes, again, I watched every single episode, in under three months time. I needed to get through it as fast as I could. Why is everyone up in their butts about how marvelous they are, especially Rory?! She’s an eternally awkward and entitled baby who nothing bad ever happens to. She has no real challenges other than what she finds joy in, education. Everything is handed to her and she never has a spine. I really wanted everyone to just GET SERIOUS and stop the spoiled drama.
I’d live in Stars Hollow, I think it looked like a nice little place, but the fact that the whole town followed the actions of these two strange females had me scratching my head. It’s just too far fetched, and not interesting!
Firstly, nobody could ever hate gilmore girls as much as I do;
Yet, I am disturbed that in your 10 points you didn’t include the serious lack of reality of this show: Lory’s main and only concern is what prestigious University she is going to charm with her brain! Poor girl: Harvard or Yale?! And in an episode two people wanted to pay for her tuition, WHAT A STRUGGLE. Summing up, it is the shallow picture of a boring middle upper class society. Not everybody has granpa and daddy paying college and in this specifically, to me, this show failed merely.
This is true. They are all insufferable.
Ditto! Ugh. The only people I really liked were Suki, Paris, Babette and sometimes Dean (he was young, but seemed like he would eventually get his stuff together). Everyone else can kiss my grits.
Paris was great. The show should have just been about her walking around telling everyone how dreadful they are.
I just think you’re bitch who doesn’t like it when people enjoy things. But yeah! To each his own! Something you obviously weren’t taught since you made a job outta bashing people for enjoying some show on television. You are a worthless human being. Enjoy the rest of your earth days.
You seem to be taking this all very personally. I hope you also enjoy the rest of your earth days (if that’s not cancelled out by me being a bitch who doesn’t like it when people enjoy things).
wtf??? wow, a hater who would actually seek out haters to hate on them… that’s over the top. Katie rocks :0)
Thanks Bonnie!
I tried to resist replying to this comment, but it’s just so pricelessly funny, and I need to acknowledge that. Well done!
I agree with most of it and am so glad someone else out there hates Lorelai Gilmore as much as I do. One thing though, Rory and logan did not end up together! Great points for the most part though!
I rather liked Logan, but then I also rather liked the Gilmore Girls… Spanish coffee, anyone? Thanks for your comment 🙂
I hated the way they acted like eating junk was nothing and that they still had awesome bodies. -_-
Yes yes yes! My wife watches this show on Netflix and it sets me on edge. I hate every character on this show. Every one of them runs around doing nothing rattling off their inane complaints machine gun speed about things that may or may not even have actually happened. Does Rory ever speak in anything but monotone drones? I don’t want to care about the answer but I’ve learned there are 7 SEVEN seasons of this psychotic prating nonsense, and I fear for my sanity. In the interest of transparency I lived a rough life in the past and feel this vile show may be some form of penance for my sins. I fantasize about a zombie apocalypse hitting this show and they are all eaten. I’m not sure even the end of civilization would be enough to leverage the narcissistic sycophants in this show into deep, hearty individuals with perspective and worthy of trust or friendship. Did I mention I hate this show?
I would pay to see the zombie apocalypse episode of Gilmore Girls.
You wouldn’t though. That episode would consist of everyone around them protecting them and dying for them FOR NO GODDAMN REASON. They would convince Luke to go to the diner and save the coffee, all the townsfolk would strive to protect and shield the two girls and no one would ever acknowledge that well written characters would have their own friends and family they’d want to find and protect.
It would literally be unbearable to watch just like the rest of this 7 seasons long, masturbatory, New England tourism pamphlet of a show.
Ps. Thank you for this article. I feel like there are another 50 strong points to be made, but I’m grateful to find any commentary that involved critical thinking.
I love you people. I too was repulsed by the smell of this manipulative “super feel-good” show from the get-go. McCarthy is the only reason I ever gave it a second look. Cliche cliche nothing but snide superior cliche. Lorilae’s mom and dad are so so rich and oh dear there she is struggling in a professionally decorated mansion. Sorry vapid Gilmore-Girlites this show reeks. Every nod and wink is calculated and dead.
Your hate has been heard and noted but honestly, is it really that big of a deal if someone likes Gilmore Girls? Everyone thinks different things are funny and has different tastes in shows. Even if your taste is different there’s no need in telling someone something that they like, or even love, is stupid.
You’re perfectly right, of course. But it’s SO MUCH FUN.
lol “what do you hate about this show?” “EVERYTHING THE MAIN CHARACTER DOES OR THINKS” — some quality nuanced writing here. honestly it just sounds like you don’t get the show, which is fine, it’s not for everybody.
Good to know, thanks for your help.
I know I came late to the party, but I googled “why do people like Gilmore girls?” And your site came up.
I am currently hate watching the show. (That’s why you watch all 7 seasons, to hate watch. Or at least wait to see why everyone loves it so much…I’m still waiting.) It started out genuinely wanting to like it, but now, by season 3, I am just hate watching.
All of your points are spot on. I can’t stand Lorelai at all and haven’t since the first episode. Someone needs to punch her in her rude smart ass mouth. Rory is now starting to grate on me. And this whole “my mom is my best friend?” Barf. Of course she is, your mom acts like she is your peer!
My biggest complaint, though, that NO ONE seems to mention, is that Dean starts off as bland as plain oatmeal, but then becomes the type of guy who would tell Rory her skirt was too short, she’s wearing too much make up, and why is she talking to other men, ever? She is *his* woman! He’s so clingy and possessive, but throughout the show everyone in Stars Hollow thinks of him and a sweet romantic kid who just loves Rory sooooo much. Loves her so much he’d backhand her one day, or at least smother her to death. And while I like Jess (he’s a bit too wanna be James Dean), I know about Logan…none of these dudes are even remotely a good match for her. And a smart girl like her wouldn’t put up with their shit. She certainly wouldn’t leave Yale, fer christssakes.
I have snickered only a handful of times, usually it’s something Paris says (PARIS FOR LYFE!). But as I question my sanity, I continue to hate watch until the bitter end. Thank you for being one of the only people on the entire damn internet that dares to say this show sucks.
I’m glad to hear there are other people out there wasting their precious time on this earth watching a show they despise. We’re all in this together, people!
Also, you are SOO right about Dean. If he were in Friends he’d be ROSS (another future wife smotherer).
I used to love this show when it first came out and watched it pretty religiously. After watching the new season, I decided to re-watch the originals. What was I thinking back then? I’m honestly ashamed that I liked it so much. Lorelai is just so unbelievably rude and completely self centered. Rory is a liar with questionable morals. The amount of upper class white privilege dripping off the whole stinking mess is almost unfathomable. And the parenting! Seriously?!? Just watched the episode where Luke funds out Jess has been secretly working at Walmart so he could afford a car, and what does he do? HE MAKES FUN OF HIM!!!!! So a troubled kid gets a job, gets a forklift operating licence, and saves his money up to get a car and you chastise him? Aaaarrgggg! And Lorelai dating Rory’s teacher? What the hell did she think would happen? And poor Lorelai whose parents want to be involved in her life, how super inconvenient and annoying- she acts like she was severely abused as a child. Gah. I just can’t anymore. But I also can’t stop watching and yelling at the TV.
*end rant*
I used to despise the Gilmore Girls too. Then I watched them on lsd. They’re not that bad :]
Think how much more fun you’d have had NOT watching the GG while on LSD though.
Finally! A kindred spirit!! My sister liked it and couldn’t understabd why I hated it so much! There should be more posts like this on the web, we can’t be the only ones!
This is the problem with this show! So many people I know love it, I keep assuming I must be wrong and I’m missing something important somewhere.
OMG, I cannot STAND this show which my 76 year old husband watches in reruns. Everything posted here is absolutely true. The show is insane, like gerbils on crack, with NO sense of humor. I would say it is a fantasy for 12 year olds, but that demeans 12 year olds.
Maybe go younger – my friend’s four-year-old loves it.
My main problem with the show was how everyone was infatuated with Rory and Lorelai despite the fact that they were both so boring and self centered. Also, like you said NOTHING HAPPENED and it was NEVER FUNNY AT ALL.
I find this looking for other people who hate Paris as much as I, and then I find a listicle blogger as deplorable
Sitting here suffering through a never ending marathon my wife is subjecting me to. Lorilie is the most self obsessed, rediculous, and immature character from this time period of television. She is like Elaine from Seinfield, but not funny. They use the lamest pop culture references and the writers act like this equated to actual brilliant humor… It is a show based on never-ending quips and nothing ever happens and no one really matures. God it is terrible.
This cracked me up and I am a huge Gilmore Girls fan. I think my love comes from a nostalgic place. It was a show that I would watch with friends through out the years. You make some really good points though. I think if I met Loralie in real life, i would have disdain for her as well; way too brash! I liked Rory way better before she became a home wrecker!
OMG,it’s insane that there is actually a blog about how much someone could hate this show. I recently ran out of shows to watch on Netflix and my classmate said,”hey, check out Gilmore Girls”,and so I did. It started off okay , until Lorelai personality really started to irk me! She canceled her wedding for no reason and everyone just went along with it. No one stopped to say, “hey, your the most annoying, self-centered person that ever existed.”As for Rory, she needs to tell her mother the truth, and stop entertaining her insane personality.
You know what’s sad, is all of us hate watching it will skew the results. The show will look like it has more fans than the reality. And more tragically, writers will assume we want this kind of drivel!
What gets me the most, is what a hypocrite Lorelia is. She is always dumping all over Emily-for supposedly undermining her, as a parent. But yet-Lorelia actually does undermine Lane’s mom-behind her back. By allowing Lane to break her mom’s rules, lie to her mom, and hide things in her house. When in reality the better-healthier daughter/mom relationship is Lane and her mom.
Also can we talk about the pure premise for the show too begin with. Wouldn’t the first thing you do when applying for a private school-for your child-is look into the cost of the school. Also are we suppose to believe that the only damn clothes Lorelia had, were daisy duke shorts.
This is true! Also, your critique is much more nuanced than mine. Top work!
Bless it! I’m home alone for a few months because my husband is working in a different state.
I remember watching a few episodes of this mess when I was younger and enjoying it so when I saw it on Netflix I figured, hey why not.
Worst mistake I’ve ever made. I’m purely hate watching at this point. I want rip Rory’s hair out and shove is down Lorelais throat so she’ll shut up. Too violent? Don’t care.
Bless you people, I’m so happy I’ve found like minded individuals.
Disagree with EVERY word, also ur comment about the revival, if u don’t like it don’t watch it!
After hearing so many women RAVE about this show, I’ve watched one and a half episides. I’m pretty sure that’s enough. How many cliched characters and situations can they pack into one show? And Lorelei? Not a fan.
As mentioned above, I too only made it to season 3 waiting for sh*t to happen to make me want to keep watching it but that did not happen. Now I am trying to binge watch on netflix to see what’s what so I can take in the new episodes in November. OMG… once a week with these folks is bad enough. Try the binge thing and see how long before you want to punch your laptop in the center of the screen for letting you binge on this stuff! Paris is my favorite character, Luke used to be till he turned soft and “wanna be whipped” by that too tight jean wearing perfect disaster.
Oh well…atleast its not Heartland….lol
I can’t believe I forgot to mention Rory. I have apparently succeeded in blocking her from my mind because I forgot to mention how much I can’t stand that whiny sniveling mommy’s girl who thinks her mom is perfect til she actually attempts to mommy her. ugh…. Remember naked guy Marty? He would have been perfect for her but then I guess he didn’t have enough personality to survive being part of that group…..
I also forgot to mention how much Melissa Mcarthy was a joy to watch at the beginning with her Sookieness LOL I still enjoyed her character but once you see her as a real actress, you kind of hate seeing her stuck in the series……
oh well, back to season five…. I must hate myself LOL
Maybe the show emits a pheromone that makes us stick with it against our will.
that’s a very good possibility… lol
You know, A part of me really really likes this show… not the best part of me, but a real one.
What wonders me is how the writers use archetypes… and that´s it.
No storyline, no conclusion, no place to go:
– Junk food
– Single mom has an awesome car and a 2.8MM house and is happy with her daughter / best friend (The american dream)
– Don´t you always secretly wanted someone you can run to in tear when in need of money?
– Handsome tall guy… kind of a dork
– Douchebag… but, a writer!! and reads an insane amount of
– Rory Gilmore never rests
– They always have time for everything
– Asian girl, insanely bright and a music gruppie (People from the US are the gruppi-er…. in TV)
– Tough guy, a mashmellow on the insights
The only remaining archetype they left behind is not making the french guy – gay.
That´s all they needed.
No awesome story, no funny jokes, not even interesting relationships, just archetypes.
Ohh and a lot of refferences.
Rory Gilmore listening to Ramones and Lane Kim rehearsing London Calling… or Rory´s father listening Du Hast in his car…
Chaplin and Kubrick refferences…
I hate this show and have to over hear them reading their lines constantly since my daighter watches this crap
Sometimes I tell myself I”m doing a ‘sociological review’ of this awful bunch of entitled narcissists, other times I admit I envy the clothes. Mostly I live for the brief glorious appearances of Paris and Emily. Thank you for making me feel less alone in loving them, and hating Lorelei with such a passion.
I used to kind of like this show 20 years ago, and am now a bit curious how I could have fallen for such horrible dialogue. Maybe because it was only on once a week? But now I see what a horrible, twisted model of femininity it advocated, and in watching it with ‘critical horror’ I hope I am undoing some of the unconscious damage it did to me. (Case in point: episode where a retired Richard visited Lorelei at work. When he overhears that her telephone conversations to her suppliers are full of sexual innuendo (her way of ensuring on time delivery), he points out, rightly, that this is not professional, Naturally she spits back the fire and saliva of her own self-righteousness. I’ll behave how I want because I”m so creative and witty and special’ was her only attitude. Really tedious. Very bad role model for absolutely anyone and I worry this makes people think such behavior is ‘cute’. Not.
Thanks again for letting me hate along!
This is a safe space, you’re welcome here.
I literally started watching this 5 days ago with my 20 year old daughter and my husband. We have continued watching this train wreck of a show hoping for some sort of comeuppance for Lorelai. Though I suspect it will be to no avail. We are only half way through season 2. Lorelai has zero redeeming character traits. I cannot stand her. She is a terrible mother and a terrible person. The towns folk are loons because no one in their right mind would actually like Lorelai.
Thank you. I feel better getting that off my chest. Now if I could just stop watching this show!
What is wrong with us? We all need to go round to JenB’s house and stage an intervention. SAVE YOURSELF JENB!
I agree! I started to watch it because of the huge love of this show. I found myself getting up to do other things while this was on in the background. It’s just too cheesy and nothing happens. I thought I was the only one – glad I am not alone. I can’t even finish season 1. I literally don’t care what doesn’t happen next lol.
YES! This is fantastic. I was delighted to watch this show in elementary and middle school, largely because I was so attracted to the people and east coast setting. However, even then, I was underwhelmed but hopeful until Rory entered college and I realized it would never get better and I hate it 🙂 <3 But I love Paris — obviously we are a special group of people.
Late to party as well. Out of curiousity (wanted to see Dean, before he was Supernatural Sam), and googled worse show EVER. I need a shower to get the stink of this show off me. That 12 yr old “woman” that plays the mom is the worst actress I ever have witnessed spew smart-ass /not funny comments EVER. Cant even hate-watch. The writing/music/plot is AWFUL. Who watches this crap? You are on point. Im a single mom… So I know of which I speak. SHE PORTRAYS THE MOST IDIOTIC, NOT REAL WORST MOM EVER. Paris girl is only saving grace. Makes women look like idiots… I wanna punch that lady in the face(in my mind of course). Her “cute, quirky” bullshit sucks moose. (Why is there no vomit emoji?)
This is one of the funniest things I have ever read! I have shared with probably 15 of my friends! Thank you for posting it!
Thank you so much, Katie! Thank you – thank you! Eternally grateful for at last one serious Gilmore Girls hater out of the closet! I admire your stamina, by the way – watching all episodes would have killed me, or my laptop, or everyone else.
I don’t admire my stamina watching all of it. Just think of what I could have done with those hours lost. I probably could have qualified in something useful in that time, or learned Italian.
i’m so happy i just read this. with the netflix reboot coming out in november, more than a few people have been trying, yet again, to get me into the gilmore girls.
much like you wrote, katie lee, when the show originally aired, i had friends who loved it. because i respected their opinions and trusted their taste, i tried to watch it. despite multiple attempts, the show never clicked with me. in fact, i disliked it more with each viewing.
i take my hat off to you for slogging through the entire series because i can’t imagine sitting through 7 seasons of that nonstop, selfish, entitled whining.
Friends whose opinion you respect are responsible for a lot of Gilmore Girl pain. This is exactly how I got sucked into this.
Oh gawd, thank you. My friends would go on about this show and I thought it was horrible. It is because it is a “safe” show. Meaning nothing REALLY bad happens, boyfriend trouble sure, but they have a place to live, money is not a problem, and surprisingly they have things to complain about.
Thing is, I love shows like that – Detectorists, Lovesick, etc etc, but this show has Lorelai in it so bad things DO happen.
Kirk needs to be hit in the head with a tire iron
Hee hee! I love you guys.
Ok. I have to comment, because I keep trying to force myself to watch it to try to find out why everyone loves this so much, and why I didn’t love it so much. It’s very confusing to me because I actually am one of those people who grew up watching Dawson’s Creek, Felicity, even some Buffy the Vampire Slayer etc. The cheesier the better I guess. But I could not even get through a half season of Gilmore Girls,!! I really liked the writing on Dawson’s Creek…and honestly, Joshua Jackson probably aided the love of the show. But I can NOT stand The Gilmore Girls. You very succinctly summed up why. So thank you. I am not going to try to force myself to watch it just a new season is coming. If I need something mindless to listen to while painting, Dawson’s Creek will rescue me….again. (I am actually ashamed of how many times I have watched the whole series….what is wrong with me!? I am a grown-up!!)
Dawson’s Creek was aces. You have nothing to feel ashamed of.
Thank you! I hate this show! Do not understand all the hoopla surrounding it. It’s not funny and is more annoying than anything.
I confess: I used to unironically love this show.
Then I was rewatching episodes (for the … uh … 4th time? I don’t know) and suddenly a light went on, and I realized these were all horrible, selfish, annoying, self-congratulatory, self-entitled people who made stupid, selfish life decisions and then screamed at each other about them.
Look how far you’ve come! You’re all grown up.
I just finished the series and started watching A Year In The Life . I realized that I was more interested in what the other characters were up to now . Especially Paris, Sooki and her hubby ,Dean ,Logan , Lane and all the kids of the show . I don’t understand why the town loves Lorilei and Rory so much . Rory started off as a sweet and helpful person and the. Took after her mom. They never listen to anyone or help anyone out . If they do , they complain about doing it , They are all about themselves. I was annoyed at how they would focus so many episodes on pointless bickering while other characters had major life events going on . I was hoping to see Sooki ‘s wedding and Lane have her babies , but no , they finish their bickering right before these events happen and the. The show is over . I felt really bad for ALL the men in their lives . They were dragged through the mud and trampled on so many times . They would all be better off without Rory and Lorilei .
Couldn’t agree more.
Soooooo vapid.
I really tried. I even googled recently “why is Gilmore girls popular?”
Then I found THIS article & now I can move on with my life.
Well, now all those hours of wasted life, watching the show and then composing this article and making an image for it even though I have no design abilities – suddenly they all seem worth it! I have helped a person move on with their life!
Ha! I just googled the exact same thing and found this article. With the new Netflix season, I keep hearing all this Gilmore Girls buzz. I was on my favorite fashion blog, and they had a post about a red carpet event related to it. So my curiosity got the best of me and I googled “what’s so great about the Gilmore Girls”. I still don’t know, as I’ve never seen it. But I love comedy, and therefore HATE anything billed as a comedy but not funny (looking at you, “Glee”). This sounds awful, and that Lorelai lady (that’s the mom, right?) has a very, very punchable face.
I started watching this for the first time out of curiosity and found it tolerable for about five episodes. I am now hate-watching and am in season five.
Lorelai is a selfish idiot who uses people for her own personal gain and I feel so sorry for Luke and Sookie. If one of my friends treated me the way she treats them I would have cut them off. She is constantly whining and manipulating to get her own way and people keep letting her do it!! Also, what is up with her constantly hating on her parents even when they’re being kind. She just has to have a problem with everything. She’s a bummer.
Rory is a spoilt little golden child brat and I hate her for the way she treated Dean… twice at this point during my hate-watching. I just saw the episode where she did that dumb jump in a ball gown with Logan and I wished she’d died. She’s also a really bad friend to Lane. And shame on Emily and Richard for fuelling the fire, fussing over her and carrying on like the sun shines out of her rear end. It doesn’t – she blows goats.
The fact that everyone loves the Gilmores is so bizarre because they are truly such horrible people.
Thank you for providing a place to vent – I too thought I was alone in my hatred for these people and this show!
Seriously, why have so many of us hate-watched this show?! We’re not going to look back on this wasted time with any kind of satisfaction… It’s not too late for you! You could stop now! We need to group together to start staging interventions.
I’m stopping at season 3. I can’t take anymore. I just read the bio for Lorelei on Wikipedia and she gets even worse.
YESSSSSS! I just googled “I hate Gilmore Girls” to see if anyone agreed. So I’m NOT crazy! OK, well maybe I am, but that’s a different topic. All my female friends on FB are giddy with glee over the Netflix “A Year in the Life” airing today. Even my intelligent, funny, well-read friends!! I’ve tried 3 times to watch GG and each time, I found it boring, annoying, and like you said, not a single LOL. It’s supposed to be fun and spontaneous banter between mother and daughter, but all I hear is syllable-after-unbroken-syllable of contrived, memorized script-speak.. And the acting’s not very good either.
I think you summarized this flawed show best in the line…….”reading funny is not the same thing as speaking funny.” Perhaps it could be funny in writing, since we don’t have to hear their annoying, droning voices and see their unbelievable emotions (or lack thereof). But frankly, that’s being kind. Spoken or written, NOTHING HAPPENS.
It’s funny, I use to love this show when I was younger, it was one of my favorites. But now, watching the new season I realize it’s actually very annoying! And the main characters are really unsympathetic. There’s a lot of stereotyping and prejudice like fatshaming going on in the show that I just didn’t pick up on when I was still a child.
I used to be jealous of Rory, I wished I also could have gone to the schools she did, but now I think she can keep them. I thought there would be more character development after almost ten years. I know the show needed to keep in connection to its beginnings, but some evolution would have been nice.
Nice to know at least I have grown.
It’s awful! Reminds me of a video game where “bots” read lines AT each other with zero interaction, reaction or understanding. Worst POS I’ve seen in ages!
Yes! You nailed it!
The only thing you missed here is how awful Rory is.
Rory is a terrible, terrible person. She’s the personification of the worst caricatures of millennials. She’s the original special snowflake. Let’s review:
– She slept with a married man and almost attempted to ruin his wedding before that.
– She left Yale because one person told her she didn’t have what it took to succeed in her chosen field
– She’s not particularly kind to anyone, just completely self-absorbed.
– In the latest iteration of this ridiculous show, she has completely failed at adulting. She doesn’t prepare for an interview, doesn’t work particularly hard at anything, and she expects everything to be handed to her, which it usually is
– She’s awful to her boyfriend Paul (that running gag wasn’t that funny)
– She’s cheating on her own boyfriend while sleeping with an engaged man
– She never, ever, EVER recognizes her own privilege that’s saved her bacon every single time.
You know what, you’re right. I’ve been too nice to Rory because she seems harmless, but reading your list has opened my eyes.
Oh lawd, I was searching for answers as I am currently wasting time on the 2nd episode of GG. I never watched the actual series when it was on, thank the lord. The acting is shit. The story line is shit. Their fast talking schtick is shit. Im pissed at many of my FB friends that thought this would be a good idea. Good hell. I HATE watching an otherwise great movie, Bad Santa, all because of that horrid Lorelei actress. Ugh. Thank you for providing some sense here.
Wow, all true. I had trouble getting the appeal at first , I dont really like the show- but after reading the comments, I think people do recognize the whiny self involved nature of the characters – and that everything miraculously irks out – and its just kind of escapist. For most of us (and our hardworking intellectual kind/loving/giving female friends) this is a fantasy life – indulge ourselves and our opinions, always have the safety net of rich doting family or romantic parters that love us no matter what we choose. And lets face it, these are two stunning/ beautiful women. Who wouldn’t fantasize about being in their shoes?
Well, I saw the new Netflix series. And, I shouldn’t have. It turns out they are still truly horrible people! I felt like the writers were hitting me over and over again with a “endearing” hammer. (“Must. Love. Them. Or. Else.”) These girls are still mean, sad and selfish. I hate that I know them.
I have resisted it successfully so far! This review in The Verge helped http://www.theverge.com/2016/11/28/13765088/gilmore-girls-year-in-the-life-review-netflix
My wife started watching this as a bit of mindless pap to put on in the background while she was doing other things. But now she’s really got into it. It’s just horrendous.
Something like The Vampire Diaries or Pretty Little Liars – they’re absolutely terrible, but I don’t mind that because everybody knows they’re terrible, and can laugh at them. Like Sunset Beach – remember that one?
But this… this has escaped the ridicule. If you take the piss out of it, somehow YOU’RE in the wrong, like you’ve laughed at an old lady falling tripping over or something like that.
If she asks for a box set for Christmas, it’s divorce.
Sounds entirely reasonable to me, Peter.
Hi Katie, I think the point of the series is to show broken characters dealing in different ways with their reality/situation/problems.
Lorelei had Rory alone when she was really young, so she was a child herself when she started being a mother. She never had a chance to mature. Thats why it’s interesting that she faces all of this situations and tries to cling to her childhood, ignoring her feelings for Luke or her relationship with her mother. The show presents a test for Lorelei to move on with her life, with both the Inn and Rory being her full attention and her chances to redeem herself and do something good in her life, for the mistakes she did when she was young.
In the last Netflix season Lorelei hits rock bottom and has to face up that she has been blocking her feelings and not advancing as a character hiding behind the commodity of drinking coffee, being sarcastic and eating fast food. And as she comes out and opens her eyes, she marries Luke and thinks on expanding her business. We sadly see Rory falling into that same coping mechanism Lorelei uses to deal with her life.
Sometimes you need to analyze past the fast passed dialogue and quirky characters to see people, their thoughts and how they deal with hardship and how they try to make the best according to them.
Nice to know there are others out there! My mom was obsessed with this show when I was in high school, and it was in it’s prime. I couldn’t stand it even then! Absolutely no interest. Well, after the Netflix series came out, and everyone was talking about it, she convinced me I “would love it” and that I just didn’t appreciate the “wit” when I was younger. So I literally just started watching episode one of the original series, paused it after about one minute and googled, “What do people like Gilmore Girls.” lol. Your article came up. One of the first, I’m guessing supposedly funny bits, was Luke saying, “How many cup off coffee have you had?” Lorelei says, “One.” He goes, “Plus?” and she responds, “Five, but I like yours better!” This was all rapid fire. I actually think this show would be FUNNIER if spoken at a slower pace. I think comedy is all in the timing, and the show runners were way off thinking non stop talking makes it somehow better. I think it’s because it comes across as so unbelievable. Like, COMPLETELY scripted and obvious that the actors know exactly what they person speaking to them is about to say and have a response ready in a nanosecond. Just not humorous in any way.
I want to punch Lorelai in the face every single time she says Rory is her best friend. One episode she said she was Rory’s friend first and mother second. I just wanted to yell at them and tell them to get therapy. Poor Rory never had a chance.
(Hi Katie! Since you moderate your comments, I wanted to redo mine as it was riddled with errors the first time. Too in a hurry to express my agreement of your article that I failed to proofread, ha!)
I never watched “Gilmore Girls” even when it was big where I live—it just seemed like something I won’t be able to stand—but since Netflix has been bombarding me with promos for it on their homepage, and our neighbourhood café recently did a pop-up of Luke’s Diner in a Netflix event to, yep, promote even more “Gilmore Girls,” I thought I’d at least read up on it. After all, there have been some shows I was too quick to judge—I was hate-watching “Parks & Recreation” and by the start of Season 2, I was in love with the show.
So I first hit up Wikipedia. I didn’t like what I read. I googled “I hate Gilmore Girls” on one tab and “Gilmore Girls Bechdel” on another just to even things out, because so far, all I’ve been reading are people gushing that it’s a classic, and excited about the Netflix mini. That’’s when I read this funny piece. I loved the commentary and captions. The comments helped, too!
Needless to say, I’m not going to waste 7 seasons’ worth of viewing time checking this out. Not when TV is blowing up with talent and diversity right now.
I’m 33 now. Gf is 24. I’ve watched almost all episodes because she binge watches. I just searched “are we supposed to hate lorelai gilmore”? And came across this page.
I have hated lorelai from the start. She is stupid and rude and illogical. At least the writers made her like a real woman.
I could honestly go on forever about the faults of this show. TV is TV, it’s mostly crap. I haven’t had cable TV in 10 years. Reading is so much better. This is just a way to pass the time.
All I will say is this. If you actually like this show and think it is a good show then I pity you.
Also if they were trying to make lorelai endearing in any way they have failed completely.
i think if all else the thing i loathe most about the show is that it tries to pass off small town american living as this silly quirky mostly liberal affair where everything is so quaint and lovely and relatively bourgeois when in reality NOTHING could be further from the truth and the show is just a pile of totally unrelatable shlock trying so hard to pass itself off as relatable to idiots who have lived in the city their whole life and share the same wholly misinformed romanticized view of smalltown life in america that the show embodies. as someone who grew up in the real version of small town america and who now lives in the city, i can understand why this show is popular amongst urban folks who have lived very sheltered lives with little-to-no self evaluation or life experience outside of that bubble. that said, the show is pure crap. i’d love to see a more “real life” version where half of the people in the show are raging alcoholics and most of them are republicans. cause that would at least be closer to what small town living in america is actually like. i’m fine when shows try to be unrealistic and stupid on purpose – but gilmore girls is clearly trying to be relatable and at least semi-real when NONE of these characters would EVER exist in small-town america or anywhere outside of a fucking hollywood backlot contrived by the total idiots who wrote the damn series. if anyone wants to see a veritable documentary on what small town living is ACTUALLY like in the US while still managing to be truly hilarious in the process, watch napoleon dynamite. that movie gets it spot on. gilmore girls is just what happens when idiots who have lived in places like suburban los angeles their entire life pretend they know what small town life is like and horrendously miss the mark.
I have never watched Gilmore Girls. I read about it on Wikipedia and I have heard enough. I hate these people. #9 made me laugh out loud. I view it as a social problem that people would like this show and think these vapid, self-centered, elitist attitudes are acceptable. As Howard Zinn said, be careful what you put into your mind.
Thank you so much for writing this. Every girl I’ve ever dated has loved this abomination of a show.. I was beginning to think all females were either easily entertained by lots of talking, or they just put it on as revenge for me watching sports.
It’s too cutesy!!! My philosophy is that only ugly people can be “cute”. The contrast works. But these two are cute and say things they think are cute and it’s too sugary sweet, causes the gag reflex. Yuck!!!
The worst show ever. The way Lorelei just talks and moves annoys me. She must be a special kind of mental to behave like a 5- year-old everytime she is required to speak anything at all!!! Hate how their senseless behavior is considered cute. It’s plain pathetic and utterly fake.
Hell yeah to all the things you said about Rory and Lorelei. Even Emily seems to be adorable comparing to her daughter and granddaughter. I can’t stand how Lorelei thinks she’s so cute when she babbles words through her mouth.
Your comments seem to be written out of jealousy
I think Rory is such. a boring nerd. Can someone really be that boring? There is absolutely no character there. She is really lucky to be pretty… I started watching it because I read its such a good show and after couple of episodes I was a bit confused about it. I thought to keep watching it thinking maybe it will evolve. Half way through the 2 season and still doesent get whats good about it.
Clearly the woman who created and wrote this show had an issue with her own mother. ALL the mothers in this terrible show are wretched human beings. Except for Lorelai, of course. She’s portrayed as the ideal mother because she is actually her daughter’s best friend. As a mother, though, she would be investigated by Child Protective Services. And any child raised by this idiot would be as neurotic as her mother. Defies belief. As the seasons went on, I found myself fast-forwarding through all Lorelai’s unfunny “bits” and any scene involving Kirk or Taylor. In the end, there wasn’t much left to watch. The saddest part of all is that they turned Luke, the only character with possibilities, into a neurotic, emotionally-stunted girlie-man.
This is the best thing I’ve ever read. After watching the show I googled “does anyone else detest the Gilmore Girls”.. so happy I found this.
Though your comments on the show seem oddly biased, I agree on some of the points made.