I’ve already ranted at length on why I think Inbox Zero is a giant waste of life. But, how would I make things better? That's easy! If I were queen for a day, these would be my rules for email: 1. Never reply saying, “sorry it’s taken me so long to reply.” Unless it’s been a year, or two … [Read more...]
Inbox Zero is a senseless waste of life. My way is far better
In a modern Hades, inbox zero would be a replace trying to fill a bottomless well with a sieve as a pointless task designed to drive you crackers. What a waste of human endeavour. The internet is awash with advice on how we can go through life with an inbox as immaculate as Gwyneth Paltrow's … [Read more...]
Free ecourse for new mothers – feel like part of the motherhood
I wrote an ecourse! Sign up! Join me! It's really short and it will make you laugh (or your money back!) And the best bit? It's TOTALLY FREE! After my first baby, I felt a little bit... off. It took me a long time to get back to feeling like myself again, and along the way I picked up a lot of … [Read more...]
The Sony wearable that tracks your everything
This is an entirely superfluous and decadent gadget: you will buy it simply for the purpose of indulging yourself. The SmartBand Talk SWR30 Sitting in its minimalistic case, the SmartBand Talk SWR30 looks pristine and tempting. Shiny and light, a little bulkier than a wristwatch with a curved … [Read more...]
Learn all about horror at the Miskatonic Institute of Horror Studies, London
Horror has always been a genre that divided crowds and critics. Often called out for poor acting, poor writing, overly gratuitous gore and lousy treatment of women, it's a genre that has also become positively oversaturated with knock-offs of its own classics. There has always been a lot more to … [Read more...]
Want to learn how to speak Dothraki? There’s a course for that.
Athchomar chomakea! Hash yer dothrae check? If you're currently blinking in confusion, that's Welcome! How are you doing? in Dothraki. Since it first arrived on our TV screens, with its declaration of the oncoming winter and seeming seas of death, Game of Thrones has managed to become a … [Read more...]
The best Christmas gift subscription boxes
Stuck for an idea for that awesome someone? Maybe they’re totally into books, or coffee, but you’re really close so you want to treat them to something more than a copy of Jane Eyre and a Starbucks mug? Or maybe you’re reading this, Mum, because I’ve been characteristically indecisive in asking for … [Read more...]
Good Omens radio show – with photos!!
Good Omens is coming to radio and I am struggling so much not to type this in all out caps (as I have been on Facebook and Twitter). “But Kate, this isn’t the first you’ve heard about it – they announced it a while ago,” I hear you say. And yes, they did. But they didn’t immediately release these … [Read more...]
Webseries to Watch: Carmilla
In April 2012, the webseries The Lizzie Bennet Diaries premiered on YouTube. Created by Hank Green and Bernie Su, it was a modern-day adaptation of the Jane Austen classic Pride and Prejudice, with the story conveyed in the form of vlog updates. It proved enormously popular, with The Guardian … [Read more...]
The Dork Adore Guide to Celebrating Halloween
Boo! It's the most wonderfully creepy time of the year today as Halloween is finally upon us! Here at Dork Adore, we've been giving you tips to hack your Halloween all month, and because it's the big day we thought we'd do a big round-up in case you're in need of some last-minute … [Read more...]