I’ve already ranted at length on why I think Inbox Zero is a giant waste of life. But, how would I make things better? That's easy! If I were queen for a day, these would be my rules for email: 1. Never reply saying, “sorry it’s taken me so long to reply.” Unless it’s been a year, or two … [Read more...]
Inbox Zero is a senseless waste of life. My way is far better
In a modern Hades, inbox zero would be a replace trying to fill a bottomless well with a sieve as a pointless task designed to drive you crackers. What a waste of human endeavour. The internet is awash with advice on how we can go through life with an inbox as immaculate as Gwyneth Paltrow's … [Read more...]
Free ecourse for new mothers – feel like part of the motherhood
I wrote an ecourse! Sign up! Join me! It's really short and it will make you laugh (or your money back!) And the best bit? It's TOTALLY FREE! After my first baby, I felt a little bit... off. It took me a long time to get back to feeling like myself again, and along the way I picked up a lot of … [Read more...]
Wearable tech to hack your fitness
I think I can safely speak for many of us when I say that I'm really not that good at keeping up my fitness. Aside from all the other stuff that needs doing in a day, counting steps and getting enough sleep are things that seem to just magically fall by the wayside, left to linger as I sit and drink … [Read more...]
The NCT doesn’t do a postnatal course, but if they did, this is what they should teach new parents
WARNING: DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN’T HAD A BABY YET* Picture the scene. You’ve had your baby. You’re slowly recovering from the fact that the NCT poster birth you’d been expecting was not As Advertised. Your private area feels like it’s been in a road traffic accident. It’s starting to dawn on … [Read more...]
Getting organised: Daily Routine app
Remember that delicious 2013 enthusiasm and optimism a lot of us had a couple of weeks ago? Glorious, wasn't it? The trouble is, life can get in the way of fulfilling all those resolutions and goals. Chances are the diet has hit a few road bumps, your aim to hit the gym three times a week has … [Read more...]
Stamptastic – the name stamp that works on everything
Time that I used to spend blowing my nose or epilating or poking at my cuticles with a paper clip (or any number of small-but-life-affirming body admin) is now cruelly taken from me by the never-ending need to write my daughter's surname on Tupperware with a Sharpie. Apparently, my salvation from … [Read more...]
Fun ways to get involved with your community
Since the Olympics, it seems like we've all become a little bit nicer. Perhaps got to know our neighbours a bit more. Made more of an effort to get involved with the community and see what we can contribute. In fact, over 100,000 volunteers signed up to Keep The Flame Alive, the Olympic … [Read more...]
Bobux i-Walk toddler shoes review
Think of a high-quality early walking shoe for children and chances are you just thought of Bobux. Often copied, the Bobux Soft Sole range for babies really are iconic shoes. But the New Zealand company also makes footwear for older children, with a soft leather Step-up Cruising shoes range for … [Read more...]
Shop of the week: Payumi
Something a little bit different this week. It's all about collecting money rather than spending it. Last year, I organised my sister's hen do, and spent ages chasing and collecting money from those who were attending. I'm sure some of you have had to do the same, and will understand how much of … [Read more...]