Meet the team!
Editor: Katie Lee
Katie spent many years as a tech journalist before turning entrepreneur. She founded the UK’s biggest blog publishing company, Shiny Media in 2004 and now runs digital media business, Miramus, which publishes Dork Adore.
All Katie’s posts | Follow Katie on Twitter | Katie’s blog
Features Editor: Emma Cossey
Emma is our resident fashion and social media specialist, having worked as a blogger, editor and writer on a number of fashion and beauty websites. She writes regularly for The Bag Lady, and has previously written for The Times Online, Shoewawa and Jorg & Olif among others.
All Emma’s Posts | Follow Emma on Twitter | Emma’s blog
TV Editor: Nick Bryan
Nick learned to read and write at an early age. This has developed into an unhealthy need to
either write stories or consume them for later dissection. He reviews film and TV on Dork Adore, books on For Books’ Sake, lives in London and enjoys a nice white beer.
All Nick’s posts | Follow Nick on Twitter | Nick’s Blog
Head of Internet Nonsense: Helen Brown
Reader of blogs. Collector of cute. Sufferer of Middlesbrough Football Club.
Helen’s Posts | Follow Helen on Twitter
Contributor: Rebecca Noakes
Rebecca is a performing arts graduate with a passion for technology. She love cats.
Emma’s Posts | Follow Rebecca on Twitter | Emma’s Website