Tea. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the two years that I’ve been in the UK, it’s that you guys are very fond of it. I continue to be amazed at just how much you love it; it feels like the kettle’s nearly always on in my household.
Personally, I’m not really that fond of it… (don’t run away!) But that was I found Sara’s post on Domestic Sluttery about Gallons Of Ink on Etsy. And aside from making tote bags featuring two rabbits singing Ignition by R. Kelly (and other, equally quirky designs), they also happen to have a pretty damn geeky collection of tea cups, pots and home wares going on.
So, let’s geek up your tea and have a look at the dorkiest tea pots and nerdiest saucers. Oh, and tea, of course.
The Tea Pot
The first thing you should get yourself is a nice teapot – considering that’s where you’re going to be brewing your tea in, this is quite an essential bit of kit (yes, I did just state the bloomin’ obvious…).
As I mentioned, Gallons of Ink has a brilliant collection of home wares going on, and I think the R2TEA2 tea pot kind of tops the lot. Seriously, you can tell how much work went into this and that is seriously cool.
If this is not the tea pot you’ve been looking for (yes, I just did that), how about a Harry Potter one? Or a Kirby-Looking-A-Bit-Angry one?
The tea cup and the saucer
Now you’ve got your tea pot sorted, it’s time to get yourself a cup to drink from (and a saucer to put said cup on, of course).
I’m rather fond of this Wonderland-inspired Drink Me tea cup (and its accompanying saucer), which I found in Leah Pitisi’s Etsy shop.
Special mention to her amazing I Love Boys With Bread Peeta Mellark support mug, which is ideal for drinking from while you’re kicking back and eating a slice of toast in the morning (with a side-order of angst about Katniss, of course).
The cake (and other sweet treats)
Of course there will be cake. Why would you doubt the presence of nice, homemade cake? The internet is chock-a-block with recipes for every possible cake (or pie, or torte or brownie) you can imagine, in every possible taste – but it’s never bad to stick with the classics, like The High Tea Cast’s Sam Sparrow’s recipe for Rocky Road brownies, which UGH, so good.
Fancy trying something else? How about Kate Plummer’s chocolate Guinness whoopie pies? Or something that isn’t cake, such as Hazel from Domestic Sluttery’s peanut butter ice cream truffle balls? Or friend of Dork Adore Robyn Wilder’s now-infamous rum truffles?
And of course… the actual tea
The essential ingredient, of course. And if you’re a geek who loves tea, then there is really no better place for your needs than Adagio Teas. Their quite frankly amazing fan-created fandom blends have teas for just about any fandom you can think of (Come in, the Alpaca fandom… ).
Sherlockian? You’ve been catered to. Whovian? Have a cup of tea while you travel with The Doctor. Can’t get enough of Supernatural? Tea-a-plenty for you. Want to enjoy tonight’s premier of season four of Game of Thrones with an added cuppa to keep you awake? You’ve got it.
Check out the House + Home tag on Dork Adore.
I love this tea cup. This looks so stylish!