The last few weeks of ITV’s Primeval have been disappointing to this first-time viewer. A few promising moments, but the monster-of-the-week plots in particular have been somewhat weak and thrown-together feeling.
This week, our heroes go to a wedding, an old face returns, Emily finally does something other than shriek, someone dies and Ethan gets elaborated. So surely at least I won’t complain I was bored?
The Glorious Nuptials Of Someone And Someone Else
The wedding is the union of Jenny and some guy. Jenny, I believe, used to be a regular character, although due to my lack of knowledge, I had to turn to Wikipedia. Anyway, she doesn’t do much and continuity is ignored, so I can’t say it impeded me.
This main plotline followed the pattern: the monsters menace everyone for a bit, until a large scuffle in which the good guys fortunately emerge victorious. These guys need to work on ending their stories.
However, there was more passing fun than usual. Connor battling dino-pups in the cellar was entertaining, and seeing Emily finally involve herself was cathartic after weeks of lurking. Although I’m not clear why she came to the anomaly – simply because Matt said “I won’t let you out of my sight”? It’s nice that he’s literal, but rather at the expense of common sense.
Ethan – A Complicated Man
The Serial Killer Ethan subplot is more interesting than the main storyline yet again. This time, Becker has a close encounter and Jess is also there, acting like a moron as ever. She really is neither professional nor executive.
It looks like next week’s finale is going to be Ethan’s last stand, and I’m intrigued, against my better judgment. The explanation for all his contradictions had better make sense. Matt also spills a few of his heavily-teased secrets to Emily, a necessary moment at this point in the series, but it felt forced due to how little he seems to have bonded with this confused Victorian woman. Another reason they should’ve used her more by now.
Still, I am forced to admit this was my favourite Primeval experience so far. Obviously this compliment comes with a backhand, but the banter seemed less forced than usual and the Ethan arc has been built up well enough, so I may even recommend you check it out on ITVPlayer. I await next week’s finale with interest, and perhaps even mild optimism. How about you?
More Primeval on Dork Adore | Primeval: Series 4, Episode 5 – Dork Review
this is the best program on tv my 3 year old 5 year old and 12 year old will not watch anything else we cant wait for series 5 please dont ever kill off connor and abby !