I break things. A lot.
I have an entire drawer filled with broken bits and pieces that I keep meaning to fix, but never get round to doing. Until now.
The lovely people at Sugru introduced me to their Multi-Hack pack, a selection of their products created to let DIY dunces like me ‘hack’ things back together.
Sugru resembles a bright modelling clay, an adult Play Doh if you like. Self-adhesive, flexible and waterproof, the clay allows you to fix things or adapt them to your own tastes or requirements.
They’ve got plenty of ideas of what you can use it for on the blog. A few favourites include screw covers, an iPhone stand, filling in cracks and a flip flop repair job. Basically, the only limit with what this product can do is your imagination.
To use Sugru, you need to remove it from the wrapper, roll it around a bit to warm it up, and mould it. After 30 minutes it starts to cure, and will fully set in 24 hours.
The product is so popular that they’ve sold out for the moment, but they’ll be back in stock by February. Keep an eye on their Twitter for updates.
It’s definitely a fun product to play with. The only downside is the bright colours, which are a little impractical if you don’t want your DIY to be visible.
What would you use Sugru for?
I used Sugru to fix a giant hole in my favourite shoes last winter and it’s lasted a year of me wearing them most days (I don’t have many shoes). I need to do them again this winter as its finally worn away again – but I’m pretty impressed it lasted so long (and I’m glad not to have to spend money on new shoes needlessly).