Back in the days of double denim and the SNES, there was only one way to get your fizzy caffeine kick, the SodaStream.
Kitchens across the country were dominated by this huge white machine and all of its accessories and flavour bottles. Inevitably, the sheer size of the machine led to it being relegated to the attic (not to mention the dubious quality of its dandelion and burdock).
The retro drinksmaker has undergone a revamp in the last few months, and it’s now smaller and sleeker.
Does this new look give the product more longitivity?
First impressions of the aesthetic looks of the new SodaStream are positive. Available in black, red and grey (pictured) the new model is slim enough to slide in next to your toaster without much trouble.
To set it up, you pop the gas cylinder in the base, fill one of the bottles with water, insert into the SodaStream and pump the top button until it buzzes. Then simple pour in your chosen flavour and your drink is ready!
The starter pack comes with a dozen or so sample flavours, including the basics like Lemonade and Cola, and various sugar free options like Cranberry and Raspberry and Tonic water. The flavours have definitely improved from the 90s (gone are the days of Rola Cola) and they’ve even got an energy drink and a selection of fruit flavoured sparkling waters this time.
So, on to the pros and cons of making your own fizzy drinks:
Wins points for:
- Eco-friendly. The bottles of flavourings last a lot longer than buying one ready-made bottle. On average, a 500ml bottle will make up to 12 litres of soft drinks.
- Cheap. Long term, it’s much cheaper to make your drinks on a SodaStream then to constantly buy bottles of drinks.
Loses points for:
🙁 Washing up. As you’re re-using the bottles, it’s a little more washing up. Also, the bottles aren’t machine washable, which can be a bit of a pain.
🙁 Screwing in the bottles. It’s a bit fiddly trying to fit the bottle into the gas dispenser bit.
🙁 The price. I tried the black Genesis model, which was £59.99 (from the SodaStream store, £69.99 for the red version). Not cheap, but it’s worth bearing in mind the long term savings. Style queens might prefer the Penguin version (£149.99)
It’s early days, but I haven’t had the almighty urge to hide it away from view yet. Since receiving the Soda Stream, I’ve used it on a daily basis to create drinks, so it’s doing its job!
Have you guys seen the U-FIZZ contraption on ThinkGeek? Looks like a cheaper route to fizzy drinks. I’d buy one myself if not for the absurd shipping rates.