Right, lets be honest, most of us are going to pile it on this winter. There’s too much fun food around to even consider a diet, and there’s absolutely no way I’m going to consider any form of exercise more taxing then reaching for the roast potatoes.
Easing your way back into an exercise routine can be tough after a break, but anyone who owns a Wii can get a head start with the new Your Shape game.
As a professional salad-and-cardio-dodger, I felt I was an excellent guinea pig to test this fitness game out.
The game uses a camera, similar looking to a webcam, which perches on top of your TV. Pop the game into your Wii and connect the camera, and you’re ready to go.
Your shape takes the same concept of the Wii Fit games, where a virtual fitness trainer takes you through a workout. This time however, you get to see your own image jumping around next to your fitness instructor.
There’s nothing dignified about doing star jumps next to a Lycra-clad virtual woman.
Vanity aside, I can genuinely say it bordered on fun. You can focus on specific body parts and choose whether to burn, tone or strengthen them.
The section I was really impressed with was the specialist workouts. There are various workouts for new mums, bikini bodies and New Years resolutions.
So, overall:
Wins points for:
- Features: So many that it will take you days to get through them all.
- Camera: Useful to show you exactly how you’re doing.
- Calorie counter: Simple enough, but it’s nice to know when you’ve earned yourself a Twix.
Loses points for:
- Annoying voice: The personal trainer’s voice starts to grate after a while.
- Lack of a male trainer: It would be great to get a few different trainers. Fit men are always motivating, even if they are virtual.
If you want to get fit in the new year, without the 12-month commitment of a gym, then this is definitely worth a consideration.
You can buy it from Argos for £38.99.
I thought these would be pretty much useless but actually the camera seems like a good idea to keep you on track and doing it right.
Now, do I want to buy a Wii?
Definitely worth getting, the workout beats the Wii Fit board hands down. Plus there are a few more games in the pipeline using the camera, so it’s an ‘investment’ 🙂