I've done it again. Whenever I start hunting down the best crochet patterns for an article like this I can feel my blood pressure start to go up. There are SO MANY amazing patterns out there! I get palpitations just thinking about how I'll find time to make them all. I've got so many other things … [Read more...]
“Are you my Mummy?” Doctor Who, Mummy on the Orient Express Review
This week Clara and the Doctor are having their goodbye date, so the Doctor has taken Clara to an Art Deco spaceship where there's a good chance they might both die. Man's got class. Mixing up elements of The Mummy, Murder on the Orient Express and Armistice (a low-budget chiller starring Joseph … [Read more...]
My Granny used to post things on Tumblr – Doctor Who Kill The Moon review
The Doctor gets a thorough dressing down from Clara in an episode that passes all the Bechdel/Mako Mori tests. First an apology. I totally failed to review last week's episode. I know that at least five of you will have noticed my missing opinion and for that I apologise. Maybe even six of you. At … [Read more...]
Time Heist: Doctor Who does Ocean’s Eleven
Another doozie from the Twelfth Doctor as the series continues to keep form and the Doctor has started to bed in nicely. Yep, I'm sold. I know my quality control levels are set to 'over-enthusiastic fan-girl' when it comes to Doctor Who, but I really am loving this series. Even my other half, who … [Read more...]
Doctor Who: Listen. Is it safe to come out from under my cushion yet?
Massive Spoiler Alert - definitely don't read this if you haven't watched and don't want one of the scariest episodes ruined. Now it's won't surprise you to learn that I've been confused - it's easily done. And after all, it IS Doctor Who. I mean, I STILL haven't worked out what Sylvester McCoy … [Read more...]
Robot Hood – Doctor Who’s thigh-slapping romp into silliness.
The third instalment of Doctor Who romped along thanks to a rather silly storyline involving a lot of merrie men. As with all these series, the “fun” episodes can often go astray (let’s not mention the “Beer Bad” Buffy episode). But in the capable hands of Mark Gatiss, master of comedy, we got … [Read more...]
“Top layer if you want to say a few words” – Doctor Who gets mean
Somewhere along the line I'd forgotten that we had a new one, so there was a momentary jolt as his affronted owl face popped onto the screen. But the surprise was momentary, because there he is, The Doctor. Calmer, more still, but still most definitely the Doctor. This one has replaced the childish … [Read more...]
The NCT doesn’t do a postnatal course, but if they did, this is what they should teach new parents
WARNING: DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN’T HAD A BABY YET* Picture the scene. You’ve had your baby. You’re slowly recovering from the fact that the NCT poster birth you’d been expecting was not As Advertised. Your private area feels like it’s been in a road traffic accident. It’s starting to dawn on … [Read more...]
New Shaun the Sheep Movie – Teaser Trailer!
It's at times like this that you begun to suspect maybe there *is* a benevolent god looking out for us all, after all. This one is from Odeon, the God of Tired Parents. Shaun the Sheep Movie Teaser Trailer Shaun the Sheep's first ever movie will be released in cinemas worldwide from … [Read more...]
Patrona insanely expensive iPhone Wallet. I still want it though
The Patrona iPhone wallet wins for four very good reasons. First, it's available in a fine assortment of colours and patterns, including orange leather, which matches Dork Adore's logo and is therefore welcome in our hearts Second, it stores three of your cards so that you can head out for an … [Read more...]