This weekend, Doctor Who’s animated TV series starts. You’ll be able to catch the show on the Red Button on on the BBC website from Saturday. The six-part show features two new companions and an awful lot of pretty blocky looking animation.
It’s possible to argue that the animation is purposefully stylised, but I can’t quite shake the feeling that I could just as easily be watching an Xtranormal cartoon without the comedy effect supplied by the stilted speech patterns. Still, with David Tennant doing the voice acting, there’s a chance that – so long as the story is good enough – I’ll be too sucked into the action to notice that the animation leaves something to be desired.
Check out the preview below – as well as an Xtranormal Doctor Who fanvid. What do you think? Looking forward to it? Or will you be giving it a miss?
Now compare to this Xtranormal cartoon of two Doctor Who fans
Have seen the first three episodes of Dreamland now, and it’s not bad. The storyline is decent enough, and the aliens they’ve designed work well enough with the animation style. The people not quite so much, the Doctor especially seems to have monkey-arms, but it’s fun enough.