It’s been a week of breath-taking achievements. I mean, yeah space-jump-whatevs, but have you seen oiled-up Wyclef’s 43rd birthday portrait?
Apparently other things of lesser import also occurred. Highlights of internet news may be found below this fine, fine motorcycle.
More cowbell
- Sam Rockwell and Colin Farrell went to a movie premiere wearing Christopher Walken shirts. Walken went too. Awkward.
- The sadness of Pain au Chocolate. And now when you eat one, you’ll hear the screams.
- Sad YouTube is quite beautiful, though.
- Homemade Tusken Raider costume wins Halloween.
- Dunno if you heard, but this one guy jumped out of space. The video from his helmet camera will quease you right up.
- These 1920s drawings imagine future alien species from our universe.
Get a load of these, Lana
The Ohio State Marching Band is called the best in the world for a reason. Slacken your jaw at their take on video games:
This oddly aggressive Train Simulator video contains some swears and a modicum of dubstep. You may laugh up a lung. You’ve been warned.
- When Jurassic Park 4 was on the table, human-dinosaur hybrids were on the drawing table. Oh, the dino-humanity.
- A giant eyeball washed up on a Florida beach and I’d like to curl up somewhere quiet now, please.
- The East/West College bowl is famous for its larger-than-life characters. Here, they introduce themselves. Including Scoish Velociraptor Maloish.
Fur and Feathers
- Bunny on a swan. Bunny on a swan!
- Super-Pugs must assemble to avenge. Or avenge an assembly. It’s not clear.
- Amateur taxidermy produces delightfully cuter-than-you’d-imagine results.
- Some people are against humans and cats showering together, but that’s just like oppression, man. It’s beautiful.
- Rescued ducks meet a pond for the first time. Worth the video build-up.
- Sleeping baby chameleons are utterly charming.
Sometimes you just have to scratch that itch, even if your scratching post keeps moving: