If you've tuned into Channel 4 at any point in the past couple of weeks, you may have caught a glimpse of a particularly disturbing advert for a company called Persona Synthetics. Ostensibly, they are the brains behind the latest must-have gadget for the busy family: a synth, or an advanced robot … [Read more...]
5 Highlights from Agents of SHIELD Season 2, Episode 1 – Shadows
After a spectacular last-minute redemption, aided by the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD signed itself up for a second series. Episode one, Shadows, had its UK premier last Friday, and it has certainly hit the ground running. With SHIELD now on the run as … [Read more...]
The Holiday Is Over – Agents of SHIELD S1E11 – Dork Review
After a three month UK hiatus, Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) and his friends are back... and the holiday is most definitely over. Last time around, we left Coulson's life in the balance and at the mercy of flower girl Raina (Ruth Negga). Will we finally find out the truth about Coulson's … [Read more...]
Your Guide to the Holiday Television Schedule
Christmas is almost here, and with it, the usual festive helping of Christmas TV specials and holiday classics. It's always a lot - the Christmas schedules are more packed than ever, with seasonal editions of... well, just about every show you can think of. But never fear. As always, Dork Adore … [Read more...]
The Agents of SHIELD mid-season finale… it’s a magical place… S1E10 – Dork Review
In previous episodes of Agents of SHIELD, they’ve attempted to squash in as many references as possible to Marvel’s cinematic Avengers franchise as possible. This week, they turn their stuff-mentioning expertise on themselves, attempting to shout-out as much from their own past episodes as possible. … [Read more...]
May, or may not kick your ass – Agents of SHIELD – S1E9 – Dork Review
Last week, SHIELD tidied up after a certain Norse God in Greenwich and faced up to an Asgardian berserker staff and a... Norse pagan hate cult. Well, it makes a change form your local Knit 'n' Natter, that's for sure. This week, we dabble in telekinesis and demons... Spoilers under the jump. Catch … [Read more...]
The Well – Agents of SHIELD – S1E8 – Dork Review
The world's best dressed bin men show up in Greenwich to hoover up the chaos left by Thor and his gang in this much-hyped crossover episode. Spoilers inevitably follow. So this week we're in Greenwich, popping bits of alien metal into custom-made suitcases in a bid to clean up the havoc wreaked by … [Read more...]
Hub Sweet Home – Agents of SHIELD – S1E7 – Dork Review
After taking a little break from being jet set secret agents, the Agents of SHIELD start out this week in... Siberia. It's safe to assume we're back in the swing of things. This week, Action Jackson Ward gets his hero parade royally rained on by Agent Fitz. Of all people. Spoilers after the jump, … [Read more...]
A Positively Electrifying Virus – Agents of SHIELD – S1E6 – Dork Review
The Agents of SHIELD are back, after taking a week off from all that jet-setting they've been doing. Last time around, Skye told a fib, Ward threw a hufty and we met a seemingly innocent girl in a flower dress... Oooh. This week - more Marvel continuity references that I've either forgotten about … [Read more...]
Evil Flowers – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D – S1E5 – Dork Review
This week, the Agents of SHIELD face a formidable enemy in the form of the most terrifying sight imaginable... well, actually, it's just a lady in a nice flower dress. But that lady is definitely hiding something. As is Skye, in fact. It's all kicking off at SHIELD HQ this week. Spoilers after … [Read more...]