Want to know what the Dorks want for Christmas this year?
Katie Lee: Dork Editor
Please may I have a Kobo and an E-One laser hair removal gadget? I had both of them in for review this year and they’re the things that have left the biggest hole since they went back. Also, I bought my friend the whole of The Guild to watch and I haven’t actually seen it myself. So I’d like someone to get me that, please.
Emma Cossey: Web dork
I’ve just bought a house, so all I seem to buy at the moment is dull house things. Therefore, I’d love some vouchers to splurge on clothes, Abel & Cole, Amazon and Boots. My other, more extravagant, want is an Apple Macbook Air , because my Dell is destined for that great laptop space in the sky.
Tamsin Worrad: Science dork
I would like:
Babyliss Big Hair style – I’m assured this will end my bad hair days forever. (Emma agrees, amazing hair styler)
Series 3 & 4 of The Big Bang Theory because I am way behind
‘How to live safely in a science fictional universe‘. I feel this could contain important advice
Star Trek Mr Potato Heads: they’re adorable!
Zachary Quinto. I KEEP asking and yet nobody is doing anything about it?
Imogen Hitchcock: Lifestyle Dork
2012 is going to be the year in which I find my inner domestic goddess and I start to do ‘stuff’ around the house. Therefore, dear Santa, I’d like the following in my stocking (please note, industrial size stocking may be required):
A Kitchen Aid mixer in blue willow: it’s so damn pretty!
A sewing machine and a stack load of books on how to use it. I used to do sewing at school but for the life of me, can’t remember where to start. However, I’d rather like to while away the winter months making clothes (or, probably in my case, making hideous monstrosities that I’ll be inordinately proud of)
Some Le Creuset. I’m sure it makes my cooking taste so much better.
I don’t ask for much, do I?
Nick Bryan: Film & TV dork
My big gadget purchase this year was the Kindle, I’d quite like some new books for it, but Santa (yes, alright, my mother) tells me that I am contractually obligated to get something to go under the tree. Still, I’ll finally be reading the Game of Thrones book in some form.
I’ve been meaning to catch up on the Powers graphic novel series by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming now they’ve made a TV pilot, there’s a non-Kindle book for the tree.
I might also get the first two series of Misfits on DVD because I miss Nathan. Yes, I’m a sap.
Now it’s your turn! What’s on your Christmas list?
Kitchen aid obtained! Who’s a lucky girl then 🙂
So. Much. Envy.
But it looks like no one got Tamsin Zachary Quinto AGAIN.